Daily Aries Horoscope July 22 (22/07)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

July 22


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 8/10

Something that appears very easy and straightforward to you might be something someone else sees as complex and requiring assessing from umpteen different angles. You see no reason why initiative cant be taken instantly rather than dithering and procrastination forming much of the equation. It might be up to you to step in and take the reins. Someone might just need reminding of why its sometimes best to take action and see what doing so brings.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

A certain way must be tried, even if you believe youll win no popularity prizes for encouraging others to accept your thinking. Where you and at least one other person have had polarized views on a certain matter or strategy, you can spot an opportunity to apply a methodology that either hasnt been considered or given a proper chance to reveal its potential. Take the lead and show someone how something should be done.


summary aries weekly

Star 10/10

Were taught from a young age that too much of anything isnt good for us. Thats a concept most of us found ourselves accepting of from a young age, too. If we overindulge, then some level of wastage always exists or we end up paying the price for it in some way. Thats something to bear in mind this week. A little bit of what you fancy can be extremely beneficial but taking something to excessive limits will likely be one major source of regret.


summary aries monthly

Star 8/10

Thoughts and ideas about how to boost your income will be in abundance but you could feel encouraged to cease thinking about ways to enhance your bank balance and start taking action to make it happen. This would be plain sailing if you didnt encounter your ideas or proposals to be met with resistance by someone who believes they know better than you about what you should be doing. Dont allow this to become a battle of wills. Smile and do as youre told in the knowledge you have Plan B up your sleeve.


health aries daily

Star 9/10

Remember the stuff about looking in the mirror and asking your reflection what you need? This is not something you can put off for the future (when you\re not in this relationship, when your kids are grown, when your job is not so demanding). It\s the #1 priority now. A good test is to notice how much water you drink in a day. If you can safely say that you drink over ten glasses of water a day, I\m off your case!


health aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

There is power in knowing what you want, but it\s not always easy! Ever spend too long looking at the menu in a restaurant? The waiter keeps coming, and pretty soon you order something just to get it over with? Now pretend you\re the waiter. The best way to find what you want is to know what you need. If you know you need nutritious root vegetables into your diet, your want list instantly becomes more manageable and the power is in your hands to decide.


health aries weekly

Star 7/10

You do best when you stay upbeat and optimistic, but the cosmos may be encouraging you to see your glass as half empty instead of half full. Count your blessings no matter what the status of your health. Be grateful for all you have, but know that you can always improve. It\s time to be happy in your own skin.


health aries monthly

Star 7/10

The first three weeks of this month are for nurturing yourself and enjoying homey comforts and good food. Dont ignore your bodys request for rest and a chance to catch up on sleep, as giving in to it can do you much good. If your efforts at work have been suffering due to a lack of energy, making more time for yourself and for a little self-care could put you back on track. With Mercury, your health planet, easing into Leo on July 5, you could also benefit from getting involved in team sports for the exercise and the camaraderie.


love aries daily

Star 9/10

This is one of those days when dressing in your best will definitely pay high dividends. The planetary energy indicates that the more attractive you can look (and confident you\ll thus feel), the more chance you have of drawing the right kind of person to yourself. Try wearing clothes in soft translucent fabrics, with a dab of a sexy scent. Muted colors are also best - and no bold patterns!


love aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

Conversation is the way to the heart of someone you find extremely attractive. The celestial energy indicates that all you need do is to tell them how you feel; but rather than go overboard with passionate overstatements about all their wonderful qualities, keep it simple. Lightly touch on your emotions - rather like you might mention only once that you adore gold, and leave it at that.


love aries weekly

Star 8/10

You have a great idea for a couples project in the first part of the week, but no one to share it with. Have patience as you await your next partner, because finding the right one will be worth it! An emotional moment takes you by surprise over the weekend, but it goes to show you how truly attached you are to someone. Youve managed to be flip about your feelings until now, but its time to show your hand.


love aries monthly

Star 9/10

When Venus enters Gemini on July 4, youre the kind of flirt who knows what to say, how to say it, and whom to say it to! In other words, you have no problem coming up with tempting one-liners and steamy invites. Youre disappointed by a crush during the Venus/Neptune square on July 17, and realizing the truth about the person could be eye opening. At least its better to find out now than waste more time pining away. Mars enters extroverted Leo on July 20 and youre easily aroused. Dont just settle for the first person you see. Look for someone with long-term potential.


career aries daily

Star 8/10

Your ability to adapt to situations and people around you will be extremely valuable today. Most people will be in gridlock, but you are able to move freely among many people and many different ideas. Appreciate and utilize this wonderful gift.


career aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

This is one of those days in which people may talk a great deal, but end up saying nothing. There is plenty of chatter, but not much substance. Do your best to filter through fluff in order to extract at least one useful idea out of the conversation.


career aries weekly

Star 9/10

You may be rather busy and on your feet now. Stress could trigger a meltdown in a frustrating situation that refuses to improve. It\s better to face up to any mistakes you\ve made or issues you have. There are often issues at work that anyone has very little control over. Your company\s policies, demanding customers, or your manager\s requirements may mean less personal or family time. Do your best to remain cheerful.


career aries monthly

Star 7/10

Your career could reach a turning point around July 9. A raise, promotion, or prominent position could be awarded to you at the start of July. Presiding over a company or important division will bring out the best in you. Youll have to phase out products and services that are no longer turning a profit. Breathe deeply, keep calm, and continue to focus on your ultimate goal: a healthier operation that yields an impressive profit. On July 23, youll be inspired to develop a creative product. The powers that be will be reluctant to back this commodity. Its up to you to promote it nonstop.



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